“My Partner Is Turning Our Child Against Me”: Understanding Parental Alienation

by | Oct 8, 2022 | Blogs, Divorce | 0 comments

“My Partner Is Turning Our Child Against Me”: Understanding Parental Alienation

Divorce or separation can become emotionally charged, especially when it comes to issues of child contact. If you suspect your partner is trying to turn your child against you, book your free 15 minute call to find out your options.

Oct 8, 2022 | Blogs, Divorce


In general, parental alienation is when one parent turns a child against the other parent. It is not a crime in England & Wales but there are steps you can take. If you’re concerned your child is being turned against you, call our family law solicitors to find out your options and estimated costs.

What Is Parentental Alienation?

Parental alienation is a term that refers to one parent doing, or saying, things that try to turn a child against the other parent. As family law solicitors, we support clients with Children Act proceedings – whether that’s a parent concerned about their relationship with their child or a parent accused of parental alienation.  Whilst parental alienation is not a crime in England & Wales, the courts can take action. The first step is to recognise the signs and if you’re concerned, get advice from a family law solicitor. Whilst there is no checklist, here are some possible Signs of Parental Alienation.


  • Child’s Behaviour – your child doesn’t want to see you (without giving a reason); they talk negatively about you in front of others; dislike extends to the extended family of alienated parent; child’s opinon is unjustifiably one sided (idolising one parent and devaluing the other); child uses adult language or ‘borrowed phrases’ to explain dislike;
  • Alienating Parent’s Behavious – undermines other parent’s authority; restricts access to information or makes important parenting decisions without consultation; talks negatively about the other parent in front of their child, or makes them believe that parent is responsible for the separation;

What Can You Do?

If you’re concerned that your child is being turned against you, it’s important to take action to limit – and start to heal – the harm of parental alienation.


  • Maintain a Positve Relationship with your Child – so that they continue to feel safe and loved in your company; if you are the non-resident parent, make sure your contact times are not changed and make a note of any requests for change; ensure that you’re told about your child’s academic, social, medical or religious information. If possible, try speaking with the other parent about the situation and make sure your parenting responsibilities are equal. 
  • Speak to a Family Law Solicitor – our family law solicitors are experienced in advising clients on parental alienation. You may need to seek urgent court action to decide on child contact arrangements.  Your solicitor or the court may recommend instructing an expert with relevant expertise to assess whether parental alienation is happening. Any decision by a court about contact will prioritise the best interests of the child and our team will guide you through every step.

We hope you found this article helpful.  Our goal is to raise awareness about parental alienation. This article should not be considered as legal advice.  If you’re concerned about parental alienation, call our team to find out your options and estimated costs.

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