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How to Start Your Own Will Online

by | Feb 10, 2021 | Blogs, Wills | 0 comments

How to Start Your Own Will at Home or Online

Your Last Will & Testament (Will) is one of the most important legal documents you will make in your life. But so many of us feel uncomfortable talking about them or writing one. This guide and our free downloads are designed to explain the process of writing a Will. We hope you find them helpful.

Every situation is different. Please note these guides are not intended as legal advice. If you have any questions or need any further information, book your free 15 minute call with our legal team on 01274 727373.  

Not sure whether you want to write a Will yet?

  • As a first step, we recommend discussing your wishes with a loved one.
  • Download our free template (Will Instruction Form) to understand what information you can include in your Will. You can choose to complete the Will Instruction Form at home. This will not be a legally valid Will until it is witnessed. But, it can guide your loved ones in the event something happened to you.
  • If you would like to draft a legally valid Will, please contact our office on 01274 727373. A legal Will needs to be witnessed by two people (not your family members). Our legal team can arrange to draft and legally witness your Will from a safe distance at your home.

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