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Why We Use Clio, the #1 Legal Case Management Software

by | Sep 3, 2020 | News

Why We Use Clio, the #1 Legal Case Management Software

If you follow us on social media, you’ll know we love Clio, the world’s leading legal case management software. So we’re always happy to partner with the firm on videos or events. Earlier this year, our founder Sarah Khan-Bashir MBE shared her thoughts on how Clio helped us to adapt to change during lockdown. You can find the video here.

We started using Clio in 2019. As cloud-based legal software, not only did it power our team during the pandemic, most importantly it makes life easier for our clients. Clio Connect (which our clients can access via our website) means we can offer our clients:

  • access to documents through a secure web-based portal: Clio is GDPR compliant, endorsed by the Law Society and applies in-transit and at-rest encryption using industry best practices (such as HTTPS and TLS) to ensure data is stored and transmitted securely. Clio’s web interfaces are also verified by DigiCert, a trusted certificate authority.
  • the freedom to sign legal documents or pay invoices on the go: we can share invoices, documents, secure messages, calendar events, or tasks. When we share an item, our client will receive an auto generated email from Clio advising them of same. If they have not logged into Clio Connect previously when they click on the link to view the resource, they will have to set the password for their Clio Connect account (takes minutes!).

If you’d like more information about how we can support you through our digital legal services, please contact a member of our team.

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